Saturday, May 29, 2010

Susan G Komen

I have been involved with the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure affiliate here for about 7 years now. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 12, 2002. She underwent chemotherapy and radiation. Praise be to God, she has been cancer free for 7.5 years now. Throughout her whole ordeal, my mom never once questioned God or her religion. She only missed one day of work when her hair first began to fall out and she never once missed her CCD (religious education classes) that she taught. If anything, the cancer made her ten times stronger then anyone I know. It truly amazes me how far she has come. I'm not quite sure but she was some how introduced to the world of Komen. She began volunteering the year after she finished her chemo & radiation and was the chair for the entertainment committee along with my dad.

This year, I am co-chair with my mom and another fabulous survivor, Kathy, for the Teams committee. We are responsible for making sure that team captains get their team boxes with all of their shirts and bibs and instructions for race day. We also have to reserve a spot for all of this to happen, electricity, water & team town (where our teams all congregate). I have absolutely loved being a part of this organization that is helping millions of women save their lives. The 5 year survivor rate because of early detection is now at 98%. I saw my own mom go through the diagnosis, the treatment, and life afterwards. My grandmother, was not so lucky. She lived in a time where cancer was a death sentence and it's amazing to see the strides we have taken.

That is why I support Susan G Komen, to give women hope. I know that they have been criticized for supporting planned parenthood. They have released multiple letters stating exactly what their money goes to. It is specifically set aside for the SOLE purpose of breast health & breast education. They allow women with no insurance to have access to life saving mammograms. I am still and will always be a Pro-lifer and just because I support Komen does not mean that I am not 100% behind my belief.

Who do YOU wear pink for?