Friday, May 6, 2011

Updates since it's been so long

Well where to begin...

I celebrated being married to my best friend for one year in February! We just stayed home and hung out with the boys to celebrate. I can't believe that it has already been a year! We've definitely had our ups and our downs.

In other fun news, I went to the doctors in late March. She put me on Metformin for my PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome). I was put on it in June of 2008 to help regulate my cycles. PCOS causes women to not ovulate regularly resulting in irregular periods due to hormone imbalances. Also it makes it extremely difficult for women with PCOS to get pregnant, which is something that we're struggling with right now. We've been trying to add to our family since K (our now 2 year old!!) was about 6-9 months old. We tried without the help of medicine but after a year and a half of no success we finally decided that Metformin would be a good thing to try. Let me tell you, that year and a half was really difficult. I never expected to have a fertility issue. I mean come on I'm only 22. There were lots of tears from frustration and jealousy as everyone suddenly seemed to be popping out babies. It just didn't seem fair.

I've know been on Metformin for a full month and we're hoping that sometime in the near future we will have another chance to announce to the world that we will be adding to our family. Right now we're just in that dreaded waiting period that I've found myself so often in. I know that God will bless us when the time is right and I'm looking for that patience to get me through it. I've found a great novena to St. Gerard who is the unofficial saint of mothers and happy deliveries.

St. Gerard, Pray for me and all those dealing with infertility!